I didn’t get the job!

missing outIt has happened to the best of us. You applied for a job, interview went well and you thought FOR SURE you were going to get the job…. But sometimes things don’t work out the way you were expecting. What you need is a “Recovery Plan” and you will go through a few phases to turn things around.

Phase 1: You Will Have An Emotional Reaction!

You will have one, so be ready for it, it will last around 24 hours, be angry, be sad, be frustrated – LET IT OUT. But, beware the danger of acting too soon and decide now NOT to take any action until this phase ends.  Don’t take it personally, missing out is not a reflection of you as a person. Employers make business decisions based on their specific hiring parameters and often have multiple people suitable for one job.

Phase 2: The Debrief

You can’t fix things for the next job interview, if you don’t know what went wrong.  Yes, I know, usually employers won’t tell you why you didn’t get the job. They are actually quite wary of giving detailed feedback as that can land them in legal trouble.

But what you can do is a debrief with a trusted mentor, the recruiter or an interview coach who can help you define the areas were you can improve.

Phase 3: Change Something!

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If you continue to do the same things, then you will get the same outcome.  The only way outcomes change is if you do something differently.  Look at your documentation (resume, cover letter, letters of recommendation), look at your interview skills, look at your social media profiles, look at alternative employers…simply look at everything and improve them.

Phase 4: Write Plan B

So Plan A didn’t come off, but that doesn’t mean your career is over, it’s a glitch, a hiccup, a momentary delay in your plans.  You may have to go about this differently, network more, get more experience at another company before you try again or go into the company at a different level or role.  There are always options!  Talk to friends, a mentor or colleagues, they also may have ideas you haven’t thought of. Often other people see strengths and talents in you that you didn’t consider “special”.

If you are unsure on how to move forward and improve after missing out on a job, please don’t hesitate to contact us to see how we can help you.


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